Speech, Swallowing, & Voice Specialists of Hawaii
Social/Emotional & Cognitive Milestones

Typical milestones during this age range
May be afraid of strangers
May be clingy with familiar adults
Has favorite toys
Interested in colorful objects
Has an established and reliable sleeping schedule
Watches the path of something as it falls
Looks for things he/she sees you hide
Plays pat-a-cake or peek-a-boo
Waves “bye-bye”, Gives “high-five”
Puts things in his/her mouth
Moves things smoothly from one hand to the other
Picks up things like cereal between thumb and index finger
Our sensory and motor skills play a big role in how we mature socially, emotionally, and cognitively. For this reason, some motor and sensory milestones for this age group are also listed below as they are intricately entangled in your child's social/emotional and coginivite development.

Sits independently for short times without support
Sits and reaches for toys without falling
Moves from tummy or back into sitting
Starts to move with alternate leg and arm movement (i.e.; creeping, crawling)
Picks up head and pushes through elbows during Tummy Time
Turns head to visually track objects while sitting
Shows more control while rolling and sitting
Picks up small objects with thumbs and fingers
In simple play imitates others
Pulls to stand
Stands, holding on
Explores and examines an object using both hands and mouth
Turns several pages of a chunky (board) book at once
Experiments with the amount of force needed to pick up different objects
Focuses on objects near and far
Investigates shapes, sizes, and textures of toys and surroundings
Observes environment from a variety of positions, while lying on back or tummy, sitting, crawling, and standing with assistance
Enjoys a variety of movements, bouncing up and down, rocking back and forth
Enjoys moving to explore the environment when placed on the floor