Speech, Swallowing, & Voice Specialists of Hawaii
FEES stands for FLEXIBLE ENDOSCOPIC EVALUATION OF SWALLOWING. It is a PORTABLE, instrumental swallow assessment utilizing a flexible, digital nasoendoscope with LED technology to record audio, video, and still images of the swallow anatomy and physiology as an ALTERNATIVE to the Modified Barium Swallow Study/Videofluroscopy.
It assesses the motor and sensory function of the swallow mechanism by allowing for DIRECT VISUALIZATION of the laryngeal/pharyngeal cavities in color in order to determine proper treatment with patients with dysphagia.
It is performed by a FEES trained speech pathologist ON-SITE at your home or physician's office. (No trips to the hospital!)
It typically takes ONLY 10-15 MINUTES to perform the assessment.
A speech pathologist will come to your your home or physician's office...no more waiting rooms or hassles with transportation!
We use the Atmos nasoendoscope with LED technology to record audio, video, and still images. At the end of the scope is a light and a small camera allowing for the FEES trained clinician to directly visualize the anatomy/physiology of your laryngeal/pharyngeal cavities (throat).
The nasoendoscope is gently and painlessly guided through your nasal passage to view the laryngeal/pharyngeal cavities (throat). The procedure typically lasts 10-15 minutes. During the test, you will eat real food/liquids, as the FEES clinician assesses your swallow function/safety.
We are able to directly view your airway and vocal folds and assess your safety with consumption of everyday food/drink items and devise a specified plan of care/intervention for you.